Title changes
Title changed on [title] from [old title] to [new title]
Publication date changes
Pub date changed on [title] from ‘[old pub date’ to ‘[new pub date]’. That’s [distance_of_time_in_words between new pub_date and old pub_date)] difference.
New issues
There’s a [severity] issue to do with [type of issue] on [work]. [issue name] [issue description]
Issue updates
There’s an update on the [severity] issue to do with [type of issue] on [work]. [issue name] [issue description]
Manuscript slipped date
There’s a slipped manuscript delivery date on the [contract name]. It’s gone from [old slipped date] to ‘[new slipped date]’. That’s [distance_of_time_in_words between new slipped_date and [old slipped date] difference.
Price changes
Price changed on [product name] from ‘[ old price_amount]’ to ‘[new price amount’. That’s [new price price_amount - old price_amount] difference.
Contract signatures
“A contract’s signed! The ‘[contract name]’ signed date has changed from ‘[old contract signed date]’ to ‘[ new contract signed date]’.