A briefing template creates a new briefing each time a work is created. Read about briefings here.

Give the new briefing template a name, such as ‘Production handover’.

Click the Add button. Add some placeholder text – for example, the text type could be ‘Colours and graphics’. Remember, this is a template, so you’ll be entering generic text that can act as a prompt to team members when they’re writing the actual briefings for an actual product. So the briefing text that you enter for this template could be something like ‘[enter here your requirements and restrictions for colours e.g. No Pantone colours]’. It’s quite nice to wrap the text in square brackets because that sends a message to team members that this is placeholder text.

If you want this briefing text to appear on all briefs for this work, tick the box marked so.

Why would I want a briefing text to appear on all briefs?

Imagine you are creating five briefing templates, one called ‘Artwork’, one called ‘Typesetting’, one called ‘Proofreading’, one called ‘PR campaign’ and the last one called ‘Social media campaign’. When you set up the first one, and add a briefing text called ‘Target market’, then it’s highly likely that you’ll want each of these five briefings to include something about the target market. So if you tick the box marked ‘Include on all briefs for this work’ then you won’t have to add another four briefing texts to the other briefing templates called ‘Target market’ – the first one will be added automatically to them all.

Repeat for all the briefing texts you want.

Next time you create a new work and its products, you’ll see your briefings generated from your templates on the work overview page.