Screenshot from our GQL docs website Pretty exciting times over here at Consonance Towers, as we gear up for the launch of our new metadata page at Christmas. Heck, I’m even running a webinar!

I’m going to post about it quite a lot as it’s been five, count ‘em, years in the making. We’ve learned some things, taken certain approaches, and I always find it interesting to hear about other people’s really long projects. How do they keep motivated? Do they plan it all up front, or follow their noses? How do they make five years of work make sense as a single deliverable? And if nothing else, writing about it will be a useful way to exorcise the demons of it being our lockdown project, suffused with the weirdness of the last few years, as well as it drawing a very solid line between the start-up-ish-rapid-development phase, to make-the-best-goddamn-app-in-the-world phase of our business.

Anyway, to wet your whistle (wet? whet? I had to look it up. It’s wet, although it should be appetite, not whistle. Tut.), here are some docs – with sample code! – for the data source for this new page. It’s our GraphQL API. As well as us building cool things like the metadata page, and the inevitable AI template, with it, some of our customers have built their own things, too, which is just about the best outcome I could have dared to hope for.

Anyway, more to come, watch this space, etc…

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