In situations like the following, you may want to deduct money from what is owed to a payee on a royalty statement:

  • Where royalties only pay out after the author advance and legal fees have been recovered
  • Where royalties only pay out after the author advance and ghostwriter fees have been recovered

Go to the contract page and click the Add button in the deductions > publishing fees region.

Use the filter at the top of the page to help you find the publishing fees region. Type in fees and the page will whittle itself down to only show the publishing fees region.

Fill in the form, then click save. Do not fill in the paid date and the paid amount if you want to offset that cost against royalties. Fill them in if, alternatively, you receive an actual payment for the amount.

The fee will appear as a line on the royalty statement for the payer, using the words you provided on the publishing fees form.

Publishing fee on the royalty statement