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Key dates

This table pulls together key dates from around the system. It contains the following, when present:

  • The main MS delivery date from the Terms section of the contract
  • Subsequent Delivery dates, from the Delivery dates section of the contract
  • Key tasks from to-dos
  • Publication dates

The table is sorted by the Planned date column.

Planned date

  • If the row concerns a publication date, the date in the Planned column is the planned publication date. Go to Work > Metadata and the Dates section.
  • If the row concerns a key task, it shows the frozen planned date.
  • If the row is a manuscript delivery date, it means the planned manuscript delivery date, which you set in the contract, either in the Terms section and/or in the Delivery dates section if you need more nuanced deliverables.

If there is no planned date, this column contains the same date as the revised date column.

Revised date

  • If the row concerns the publication date, the date in the Revised column is the normal publication date.
  • If it’s a key task, the date is the end date of a task.
  • If it’s the manuscript delivery date, it means the revised manuscript delivery date which you set in the contract, either in the Terms section and/or in the Delivery dates section.

You don’t edit to-do dates in this table. Click the name link to edit.